Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Statement Treasury

Klee necklace, Persimmon Jewelry

Ice Treasury

Ice Bracelet in the second row by Persimmon Jewelry

Let The Sunshine Treasury

Persimmon Jewelry in the center bottom row.

Aquamarine Treasury

Thats my bubble ring in the center.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I've been selected in a new treasury today!!

go to my stores announcement and you will find the link to view it.

Persimmon is now being sold at......

Flock Shop in China Town, its a good store people!! Live.Wear.Play @ Flock Shop! 943 N. Broadway, #103, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Hours Wed - Sat 12p - 7p, Sun 12p - 6p | 213.229.9090

Friday, May 1, 2009

Etsy Front Page 4/30/09 Admin

I'm very proud to announce another front page on Etsy, yay PersimmonJewelry!!!